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Produced by Monascus (Monascus colours, red rice starter) Monascus pigment, it refers to a liquid pigment red yeast red yeast rice extract obtained using ethanol or extracted from the deep red Aspergillus culture medium,...


 Produced by Monascus (Monascus colours, red rice starter) Monascus pigment, it refers to a liquid pigment red yeast red yeast rice extract obtained using ethanol or extracted from the deep red Aspergillus culture medium, crystallization, purification obtained the product has a very good stability in all known natural pigment, the natural pigment is one of China's food regulations allowed. Recent studies have confirmed the efficacy of red yeast health care.
Monascus as a natural bright tone, and security, stability, colorants with certain health effect has been widely used in food (meat, soy, wine, fruit juice, soft drinks, candy, cakes), medicine, cosmetics and other industries. Especially sausage processing industry, to improve product quality, the effect is very good. In recent years, the Japanese invented a lot of red yeast Pigment patent applications, is expected to develop Monascus new fields of application.
Monascus has good solubility in water, the product can be dissolved in the desired amount of water or alcohol and then added coloring ingredients. The amount can be set depending on the desired hue. If the hot water about 50 ℃ first dissolved, the dissolution time can be shortened. The amount of some products (liquid culture goods subject): Meat, 50 ~ 500mg / kg; ice cream, 30 ~ 120mg / kg; alcohol, 15 ~ 150mg / kg.